About us Meet the team Board of trustees Trustees The What? Centre has a small Board currently consisting of 3 Trustees and the Board is currently recruiting new Board Members to replace those who have retired from office. The individuals need to be 18 years old and over and have a range of skills or knowledge which enhances the Board. Some areas include expertise in working with young people, business skills to support the growth of the organisation, extra financial skills to support the Business Manager, knowledge of mental health and young people or a background in working with the same. For further information please contact Carol Wootton Company Secretary 01394 379992 or email [email protected] Gillian Leno (Chair of the Board) Gill is a specialist relationships and sex educator and researcher, working predominantly with young people with complex needs. She is the PSHE Lead at Queen Alexandra College in Harborne, as well as working closely with Mencap and Scope, and as part of Supported Loving. She also has extensive safeguarding experience and brings this skill to the Board. Nadia Billingham Jemma Rowley Jemma was previously a volunteer at The What? Centre and is now a Sales Office Manager within a private company. She is on the Board because the Centre holds a special place in her heart and she bring business and volunteering expertise to the Centre.