How we help BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) Support for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities At the What Centre we believe in developing skills and abilities to work with people from all sections of the community. We believe it is important to understand the needs of people from all ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds. We aim to be socially inclusive in our practice. As part of our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) project, we aim to support young people with furthering their understanding of race, culture and identity in relation to mental health, in order to empower young people. Thanks to the new VCSE HWFund (Health and Wellbeing Fund) we have been able to appoint a specialist BAME Counsellor/Outreach worker. This project was conceived in partnership with Dudley CCG and DMBC Public Health with the What? Centre as the lead in the project and The Phase Trust as a Partner. Three posts in total have been funded including an LGBTQ+ Family Worker and a loss worker who is based within the Phase Trust. Our statutory partners will increase their financial input each year over the three years of the project as the VCSE fund reduces. We are pleased to announce specialised BAME individual counselling as well as engaging groups and outreach work with the communities. In addition to counselling with a specialist counsellor, the What? Centre also offers group support. The BAME Group can help you connect with link minded people and provide you with a supportive network, give you a space to explore the unique challenges faced by BAME people and promote your well-being. The aim of this group will be exploring identity and self-acceptance. Please register to our first group session, which will then continue weekly. Support on offer Who this group is for When it runs Where it runs One-to-one counselling 13 to 18 years old By appointment only Online and/or face to face BAME group 13 to 18 years old Every Saturdays 11am to 12pm Dudley Branch If interested, please complete our referral form.